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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture - Lesson IV

Ministry Gifts - Part I

Ministry, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy
Rm 12:6-8(list)


SG Ministry

Lk 10:29-37 (good Samaritan),  Lk12:35-38 (service), Ac 6:1-6.8 (Deacons)

Ministry is often used in a general sense (e.g "ministry of catechesis" Catechism 9, "ministry of preaching" Catechism 24,   ministry by angels Catechism 332,   Jesus' public ministry Catechism 574,   ministry of the word (e.g. lectors) Catechism 132,  903,  ministry in 2Cor4:1, Catechism 874,  876,   'ministry of reconciliation.'2 Cor 5:18 Catechism 1461,  1462)
1. What is the difference between ministry in this general sense and ministry as a gift as in Seek the Gifts?


SG Exhortation

Catechism  2178

Heb 3:13,10:24-25  Ac 4:36-37

2. Some of the Pope's letters are labelled "apostolic exhortations".  What might be the significance of these letters in contrast to others?

3. What difference is there between exhortation and encouragement?

4. According to the Catechism, priests "encourage their brethren by their example".  How can we encourage others by our example?


SG Giving

Catechism  1974,  2447,  2462

Mk 12:41-44 (poor widow) Lk6:30,38  Lk 12:16-21, Lk 12:32-34  2Cor 8:7-14, 2Cor 9:6-11   Lk 19:8-10 (Zaccheus), Rm 12:8,13, Ac 4:32-37, Ac 5:1-4, 1 Cor 16:1-3

5. Fr. Al (SG) said that a tithe is a bill, not a gift.  How did you feel when you read this?  What do you think about this statement?

6. Many people give.  What is the difference between ordinary giving and giving as a gift of the Spirit?

7. If we sold our possessions and gave away the proceeds, would God take care of us?  Explain.

8. To what or whom should we give?


SG Leadership

Mk 10:42-45 (servant leaders),  Mt 20:24-28 (rule/serve), Lk 22:24-27 (servant leadership), Jn 13:12-17 (foot washing)

9. How does leadership in Christian groups differ from leadership in other realms - e.g. in government or business?

10. What was the significance of "foot washing" in Jesus' time?  Why is Jesus' act of washing the apostles' feet not usually interpreted as instituting a sacrament of foot washing?

11. How can we tell if someone (including ourselves) has a gift of leadership?


SG Mercy

Catechism 1473,  2185,  2446,  2447

Rm 12:6-8  Mt 5:7  Lk 6:36 Mt 18:23-34

12. What are works of mercy?

13. What is the difference between showing mercy and doing works of mercy?

14. If we are all called to show mercy and do works of mercy, how is the gift of mercy different?

Suggested answers.
Be sure to answer the questions yourself first!

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