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Books about Islam

Islam Unveiled  Robert Spencer  Buy this book through Amazon for only $16.47
In "Islam Unveiled," Robert Spencer dares to faces the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches--and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West. Going beyond the shallow distinction between a "true" peaceful Islam and the "hijacked" Islam of terrorist groups, Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world's fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism. "Islam Unveiled" evaluates the reasons for Muslims' disturbing treatment of women. Spencer explores other daunting questions--why the human rights record of Islamic countries is so unrelievedly grim and how the root causes of this record exist in basic Muslim beliefs; why science and high culture died out in the Muslim world--and why this is a root cause of modern Muslim resentment. 

The Sword of the Prophet   Serge Trifkovic  Buy this book through Amazon for only $13.57 (paperback)
(description adapted from reviews) This book pulls no punches when it examines the origin, historical record, and future implications of Islam as a global force. The first two chapters examine the life of Muhammad and the creation of the Koran. The third chapter, "Jihad Without End" chronicles the spread of Islam over the last thousand years. This chapter is the best rebuttal of people who insist that Islam is "tolerant" or a "religion of peace". Islam has historically been a religion of war, and that war is justified and even commanded in the Koran. That many progressive believers believe "Jihad" to be an inner, spiritual struggle is valid but does not change the original meaning often used by today's radicals. Other reviewers may decry his interpretation of the Koran as being too literal. However, the author contends that the history of the religion is more supportive of the literal, violent interpretation than of the more modern, progressive one. There are many who believe that Jihad is a perpetual war against non-Muslims. The final chapter paints a bleak picture of Western Europe and (to a lesser degree) North America as countries that refuse to open their eyes to a culture that is at odds with Western ideals of democracy and human rights. The text is not simply anti-Muslim propoganda. He does not consider ALL Muslims to be "bad", but seeks to point out that most of the vocal, political Muslims leading countries and organizations happen to be radicals. That is, the extremists have the money and the power.

Militant Islam Reaches America   Daniel Pipes  Buy this book through amazpn for only $10.85 (paperback)
"The  publication of Militant Islam Reaches America, the product of over thirty years of research, helped bring the deserved attention to his ideas.  Dividing his work into two subjects, Ppes defines militant Islam, stressing the large and crucial difference between Islam the faith and the ideology of militant Islam.  He then discusses Islam in the United States, and how the once distant religion has developed rapidly in the  last decade.  Among his findings: militant Islam has much in common with fascism and communism; about one in every eight Mislims worldwide supports militant Islam; and militant Islam is not spawned by poverty.  With a new chapter (on how professors hide the meaning of jihad), plus a new afterword (about the war in Iraq), the paperback edition of Militant Islam Reashces America enhances what is already widely recognized as an incisive and definitive examination of Islam in politics."

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