"Anno domini 1630" begins the account of the Plymouth colony by Governor Winthorp. Article VII of our Constitution reads "Done in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven...." "In the year of our Lord" is the way our ancestors often thought of dating their lives. Even into this past century it was not unusual to see dates written as January 6, 1900 A.D.

This custom seems to have fallen into disuse - how long has it been since you saw a date written that way? Secular historians and others have even replaced A.D. with C.E. for "common era" (and B.C. with B.C.E. for "before common era").

Are you willing to make a statement claiming this year for our Lord Jesus? You can do it by developing the simple habit of adding the A.D. whenever you write the date! Then every letter and check you write bears witness to the fact that we don't live in some "common era", but in a year of the Lord. Will you commit yourself now to this simple witness?

©1990 A.D. Tidings
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